Practice Areas

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Practice Areas

Attorney Doug Carter has more than 40 years of experience handling family law matters, including divorce, child custody and support, probate and wills. To speak with a member of our staff, contact the firm online or by calling 423-926-9193.


Filing for divorce is not something to be taken lightly.

Child Custody

One of the most contentious issues in a divorce is handling decisions regarding the children, including child support and child custody matters.


When you decide to build your family through adoption,

Military Divorce

Filing for divorce is not something to be taken lightly.

Personal Injury

When you have been injured in a car, truck or motorcycle accident,

Wills & Probate

Doug assists individuals who want to create a will in order to ensure that their assets are distributed according to their wishes.


Paternity involves establishing the father of a child either so the man can establish visitation rights and be a part of the child’s life or so the mother of the child can collect child support.

Grandparents Rights

If you are a grandparent and are concerned about the well-being of your grandchild

Orders of Protection

If you are experiencing abuse in your household, or if you are concerned about your safety,